Molzberger, a self-taught artist, was born in 1953 in Höhr-Grenzhausen in Germany’s Rhineland region where his family has lived for many generations working in industrial ceramic factories. In 1982, as a result of mounting personal crises and a fervent need to reassess his life, Molzberger started a studio in Wendland, Germany and by 1991 mounted his first museum exhibition. Working mainly with assemblages and Raku ceramic objects, the artist recently turned to printmaking. He now creates woodcuts and large-scale silkscreens that contain political subject matter. Molzberger has worked in Israel, France, the Netherlands, Poland and Russia and lectured at several major universities. He currently divides his time between Germany and Houston where he is an Artist Affiliate at Houston Baptist University. He is also director of an artist residency program in Hilmsen, Germany, that began in 1996.